Address: Avda. del Puerto, 332. 46024 Valencia
Phone.: +34 902 112 118
Fax: +34 963 390 566
E-mail: torrescamara@torrescamara.es
Offices:Madrid, Valencia, Teruel, Lima (Perú), Bogotá (Colombia), Damman (Reino de Arabia Saudí), Asunción (Paraguay- Uruguay)
Established: Enero de 1986
Turnover: 50 M€
Web: www.torrescamara.es
Over the past three decades, TORRESCAMARA has focused its construction activity on public projects, civil works and buildings. Personal efforts first and later on professionalism and technicality enough have been the sources to become a company with a solid international development starting from a local one.
Those early efforts, work capacity and overcoming spirit, have leaded our way to do things jointly with commitment to customer service as result of a well done job.
Our domestic activities are focused on:
• Road Construction.
• Conservation and Maintenance of Infrastructures.
• Maintenance of de urban roads.
• High Speed Railways Infrastructure construction.
• Hydraulic Works.
• Public and private Building construction.
Our international activities are focused on construction, civil works and buildings, and PPA models in those countries where we are Company registered as Peru, Colombia, Saudi Arabia and Paraguay.
TORRESCAMARA complements its core activity as shareholder of:
• EMR. Historic heritage rehabilitation Company.
• LOGITREN. Railway logistic Company.