Address: Edificio Sando. Avda. Ortega y Gasset, 112. 29006 Málaga
Phone.: +34 902 996 299
Fax: +34 952 345 404
E-mail: sando@sando.com
Offices: Barcelona, Madrid, Málaga, Mérida, Sevilla, Tenerife, Varsovia (Polonia), Tánger y Casablanca (Marruecos)
Established: septiembre 19, 1974
Web: www.sando.com
Blog: http://blog.sando.com/
SANDO is a multinational company with more than forty-five years of experience in the industry, specialising in sustainable construction of infrastructures and in the provision of maintenance services, present in the implementation of the most important projects developed in the country.
Its business activity extends to Spain, Morocco and Poland and represents the result of a solid business history, the result of the efforts of thousands of professionals that every day make SANDO an example.
Quality, technical capacity, respect for the environment, prevention, compliance with deadlines, training, commitment and honesty are some of the values that identify the company and that are manifested in each of the actions carried out.
The business group has an R&D&i department dedicated looking for technological solutions that contribute to optimising the quality of the activities it carries out and to improving society. SANDO is certified according to the UNE 166002 for its R&D&i Management System, granted by AENOR to the Working System.
The implementation of civil works infrastructures is historically the main business activity. The technical capacity developed has enabled it to carry out any engineering challenge in and out of the country.
SANDO has taken part in the construction of practically all high-speed lines that have been planned in Spain, with world records of daily progress with a tunnel boring machine and carrying out the longer tunnels of communities like Valencia or Andalusia.
Airport, road, hydraulic, maritime or rail infrastructures that allow providing a quality service to society to satisfy its needs and where SANDO applies its knowledge, experience and results of the research projects it carries out.