Address: Calle Gobelas, 25-27. Urb. La Florida. 28023 Madrid
Phone.: +34 917 082 954
Fax: +34 917 729 022
E-mail: buzon@probisa.com
Offices: Galicia, Zona Norte, Zona Centro, Zona Sur, Zona Levante y Canarias.
Established: March 6, 1962
Facturación: 85 M€
Web: www.probisa.com
Established throughout the whole national territory, PROBISA is a leading company in the constructions and maintenance of roads sector, as well as producing materials for this activity.
The company has three main business areas: Construction and maintenance of roads, Production of bituminous binders and Production of sands.
With more than 50 years of experience, its activity began with the execution of small road worksites and producing bituminous emulsions. Nowadays, PROBISA is a group with more than 500 employees, 6 construction subsidiaries and 11 industrial facilities.
Better features; comfortability and safety; lower pollution; more durable and sustainable materials; and new recycling technics to minimize the exploitation of natural resources would be our most ambitious objectives. This way, PROBISA is aiming to be a national referral among it sector, competitors and users.
Due to our experience next to our values (responsibility at work; safety of its workers; technics and products innovation; public and private clients’ satisfaction), PROBISA has been able to develop a strategy of continuous improvement regarding the execution of works and materials.