GrupoAzvi 2018

Address: C/ Almendralejo, 5. 41019 Sevilla (Spain)
Movil.: +34 954 999 320
Fax: +34 954 999 200
International: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Norway, Qatar, Romania and Serbia
Established: 1901
Turnover: 360,4 M€ (2017)



AZVI is the company which undertakes construction within Grupo Azvi. For over 100 years, AZVI has carried out a significant number of large scale civil engineering and building projects.

AZVI has extended its activity to all construction areas in Europe, America and the Middle East, without losing sight of its origins and railway background. By applying principles of responsibility to the whole business sphere, seeking the creation of value, maintaining a strong commitment to all its stakeholders in all countries where it is present and investing in R&D Azvi continues constructing a company capable of facing the new challenges of an increasingly globalised market.

Grupo Azvi is a modern, diversified and internationalised company which receives AZVI’s century-long experience and it is characterized by the great professionalism of its workforce and the specialisation in all business areas and its respective head companies: construction with AZVI, concessions with Cointer Concesiones, railway transport with Traccion Rail and property development with Azvi Inmobiliaria.